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The Spotlight Survey submission rules

These rules apply to the children and young people’s drawing, piece of writing, photographs and/or video recording that you want to submit for The SPOTLIGHT Survey – BBC Children in Need (we refer to these as “creative content”).

We will use the creative content for an internal report for staff at BBC Children in Need which is prepared by Revealing Reality.  If your creative content doesn’t contain any personal data (for example, posters or drawings) we may also include the creative content in a public report.  If it does contain personal data, we may contact you to ask for further permissions to use it externally.

Thank you so much for taking part – we can’t wait to see what you’ve created!


Your Privacy

If you’d like to know more about how any personal data you submit will be used, please take a look at the privacy notice.


  1. Open and closing dates

1.1 You can submit your creative content between 19th February and 30th April.  The Uploader portal will close at this point.


  1. Eligibility

2.1  The creative content must have been made by children and young people from a project funded by BBC Children in Need that has completed The SPOTLIGHT Survey BBC Children in Need.

2.2  The creative content must be submitted by a member of staff from the project who is aged 18 or over.  If the creative content features any children or young people, it must be submitted by someone with responsibility over those children and young people who has authority to do so.


  1. What should the creative content look like?

3.1  Your SPOTLIGHT Survey Welcome Pack has all the information you need to know about what we’re looking for.  We’ve given you some examples but we want to hear from you and your group in your own words. We’d love you to be as creative as you can! Please contact [email protected]  if you need a new Welcome Pack sending to you.

3.2  We welcome children and young people featuring in the creative content but please try and limit the amount of personal data that could further identify the individuals, for examples full names or addresses.

3.3 Please make sure that the creative content does not contain anything that:

  • is illegal or defamatory (damaging to someone else’s reputation)
  • is inappropriate (offensive, off-topic or disruptive)
  • contains spam
  • breaks the BBC’s election or referendum rules
  • puts children at risk
  • infringes anyone’s rights (that includes privacy rights)
  • promotes a business (other than the work of your project)
  • is in contempt of court
  • contains links to content that can’t be seen easily, may be unsafe (viruses, worms, spyware and Trojans) or automatically launches lots of windows.
  • isn’t in English or Welsh
  • doesn’t comply with these rules
  • We cannot use any creations that don’t comply with these rules.
  1. How to submit your creation

4.1 Submit your creation  by following the process on our Uploader portal and providing the information requested on the form (compatible browsers that will need to be used to access Uploader are: Chrome on macOS and Windows 10, Firefox on macOS and Windows 10, Safari on macOS, Edge on Windows 10, IE11 on Windows 10, Chrome on Android 7, 8 and 9, Chrome on iOS 9, 10, 11, 12, Safari on iOS 9, 10, 11, 12, Samsung Internet Browser on a Galaxy S8, Silk on Kindle Fire 7″ tablet).

4.2 We will not be responsible for any submissions that we don’t receive for any reason, including if your submission is lost, delayed or corrupted or you have had technical difficulties along the way.

4.3 If you are having problems using Uploader, please get in touch at [email protected]


  1. Uploader and our responsibilities

5.1   We take great care to make our content and Uploader the best they can be. So if something does go wrong, we are responsible only:

  • if our content or Uploader damages your device or anything on it. Should this happen, you might be able to ask for compensation under consumer protection law. Compensation isn’t guaranteed, though. Be sure to get legal advice;
  • for certain unlikely events if our negligence causes death or injury, for example;
  • if you’re an individual “consumer” and it would be unfair for us to not be held responsible.

5.2 Otherwise, we’re not liable for anything that happens if:

  • you rely on advice, data, commentary, opinions or any other content;
  • there are errors, omissions, interruptions, delays, bugs or viruses;
  • we turn off or remove content or Uploader (we’d normally only do this when we moderate, for legal reasons, or if we’re improving Uploader);
  • the thing that happens couldn’t reasonably have been foreseen;
  • the thing that happens wouldn’t usually result from the mishap; or
  • you and we hadn’t agreed that this thing would probably happen in the event of a mishap;

This applies to sites we link to as well as our content and Uploader.


  1. General

6.1 We may cancel this activity at any stage if we feel it is necessary in our opinion, or if circumstances arise which are outside of our control.

6.2 We may change these rules at any stage and in any way.



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