The Heaviest Backpack
Our mental health campaign, ‘The Heaviest Backpack’, focuses on the burdens that follow children and young people around everywhere, weighing them down wherever they go – whether it’s anxiety, problems at home or other issues.
Unpacking the backpack
Mental health struggles can affect anyone, from friends and family to well-known celebrities. By clicking the link below, you can watch different people talk about the things that have weighed them down in the past. You might recognise some of them!
Amazing local projects supporting mental health
In a recent survey we commissioned, 44% of young people surveyed compared the weight of the worries they carry to books*. The projects we fund help to lighten the load for children and young people across the UK.
*UK wide survey commissioned by BBC Children in Need of 2,512 parents and 2,512 children and young people aged 11-18. Carried out by Censuswide.